Monday, February 2, 2015

Why the Personalized Physical is a Must


As a family medicine doctor, my role is to care for the physical, mental and emotional needs of patients of all ages.

The physical exam, a big part of our practice, is not a template and does not work exactly the same for everyone. Each patient is different and has his or her own needs. It is not a compulsory exam, but when a patient decides to come in for an annual physical it is usually to see what is ailing them or to be reassured that nothing can be ailing them.

It gives them an opportunity to talk to an objective person who can listen to their current issues whether it is trouble at home, with work or with stress of any kind.  This psycho-bio-social interaction has many benefits:
  •  It reassures and encourages
  • It endorses emotions and reactions
  • It helps patients make different choices
  • It helps to change harmful habits
  • The patient can re-evaluate their mental and physical state
I like to think that I am the compass for those patients who instinctively follow the moon and stars to point them in the right direction of good health. They know their aim but sometimes their vision is foggy and those celestial guides can be out of sight or very blurred.

This applies also to the adolescent or young adult when “diseases of choice” can be discussed, such as smoking, alcohol or drug abuse and even eating disorders. Immunizations can be updated to offer that extra protection of care that we are all privileged to receive.

A physical that is “personalized” can serve to reduce unnecessary laboratory and radiological tests, such as cat scans and the accompanying millions of dollars spent in the majority of cases. Rare diseases are indeed rare but everyone needs to be reassured and encouraged especially living in a busy metropolis like New York City.

When you next book your physical exam think of the many advantages of talking to your doctor about you. 

Dr Albert Levy

Sunday, January 11, 2015


The practice of making New Year's resolutions is said to have begun with the Babylonians as early as 2600 B.C and continues to mark a time to reflect on the past and plan ahead.
The top 5 resolutions that I advocate to my patients this 2015 is to improve on these areas:

Meditation and Mindfulness – As multi-taskers we may not be as efficient as we think. We all need to be in the present, to focus our minds and clear our thoughts from time to time.
Restful and regular sleep – Do you make sure you get a good night’s sleep of at least 6 to 8 hours?  If you need help falling asleep or staying asleep do talk to your doctor as there are many sleep aids available.
Balanced diet – smaller portions of healthy foods certainly make a difference to our waistlines, our energy levels and our risk of obesity-related diseases.
Exercise – it just takes a forty minute walk a day (preferably in nature) or any other aerobic exercise to keep you feeling fitter and better
Yoga and Pilates – both these activities involve stretching out those important muscle groups and keeping your body supple and strong.

All the above can be done with the aid of classes,  the internet, useful Apps as well as your doctor’s recommendations.

Whatever you choose to do to improve your well-being, remember that one of the best ways to feel better both physically and emotionally is knowing you are helping others in whatever way you can.
Happy New Year!
“There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up”- John Andrew Holmes